PALS is a one-on-one mentoring opportunity within all public schools in Paducah-McCracken County.  We currently have opportunities for you to assist a student with reading, math, or leadership skills, but we are also interested in anything else you may be able to share!




This program is designed to assist students academically, but it is also a vital opportunity to build relationships with young people.  Regular attendance is important to the student’s success.  The volunteer commitment is about 30 minutes per week and on a schedule. 

To become a PAL you will:

  1. Complete an application
  2. Complete a background check
  3. Attend an orientation session

Once you complete those steps, we will pair you with a school.  (You will have an opportunity to note preferences for schools on your application.)  The school will identify a student you can assist, and we’ll go from there!

Apply Now!

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