To apply for any funding from the United Way your agency must be able to adhere to and provide the United Way with the following:
1. MEASURE A COMMUNITY LEVEL OUTCOME: each program applying for funding must be working toward one of the predetermined community level outcomes defined in our community impact plan. To view the community impact plan, please click on our Focus Areas: EDUCATION, INCOME or HEALTH.
2. ANNUAL AUDIT: examination of agency financial statements by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, to include an opinion regarding the presentation of the agency’s financial statements. For United Way review purposes, the audited financial statements must be for the most recent fiscal year.
3. ANNUAL AGENCY BUDGET: a current operating budget for the entire agency (not just the program applying for funding) that provides a summary of projected agency revenue and expenses.
4. PROGRAM BUDGET: a current budget that provides a detailed summary of projected program revenue and expenses.
5. IRS 501 (c) (3) LETTER OF TAX EXEMPTION: notification that agency is a qualified tax-exempt not for profit organization under Federal law.
6. IRS FORM 990 or FORM 990-EZ: information forms which are required by the IRS, and which must be filed annually by all tax-exempt organizations. For United Way review purposes, the 990 must match the year of the audit and should include all schedules.
7. COUNTER TERRORISM COMPLIANCE: The agency agrees to comply with the US Patriot Act and other counter terrorism laws.
8. BOARD ROSTER: current list of all board members.
9. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: a written policy adopted by the agency’s governing body that stipulates factors such as race, color, religion, sex, disability, national origin or age will not be used in delivery of service. This standard does not prohibit an agency from operating specific programs based on age, gender or disability designed to meet the special needs of a target population with those characteristics.
10. AGREE TO FUNDRAISING POLICY: The United Way partner agencies are encouraged to fundraise and support the work of their programs above and beyond the support provided by the United Way. However, Partner Agencies must continue to refrain from kicking off capital campaigns during the annual United Way campaign. Additionally, partner agencies are restricted from seeking to run payroll deductions in workplaces located within McCracken County at any time during the year.
11. AGREE TO MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING: defines our work together as collaborative partners.
The United Way agrees to:
- Recognize successful United Way funded programs through videos, client stories, and other materials, where appropriate.
- Promote and represent partner agencies in the community, positively at all times.
- Encourage promotion of partner programs via workplace publications, e-mail, web sites, campaign tools, and other opportunities.
- Provide agencies with the United Way logo and signage to assist in co-marketing the programs funded by United Way.
- Promote agency needs, events, etc. on United Way’s Facebook and Twitter pages and on Volunteer Paducah.
Partner Agencies agree to:
- Work together as collaborative partners with United Way and partner agencies to achieve a common purpose of community impact by sharing risks, responsibilities, and rewards.
- Promote and represent the United Way in the community, positively at all times.
- Display a United Way logo on the outside or inside of the buildings where United Way funding is used for programing.
- Use the United Way logo on primary publications and materials for programs supported by United Way funding (i.e. newsletters, organization brochures, annual reports or posters).
- Register volunteer opportunities throughout the year via Volunteer Paducah
- Provide needs, events, awards, and other information for promotion on UW’s Facebook and Twitter pages.
- Run a United Way workplace awareness campaign and offer United Way payroll deduction to employees.